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Hi There!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Little Man

The Joy of my life is only 5 months old and a little over 2 feet tall. Kody and I weren't trying to have a baby quite so soon, but a month after the wedding I got pregnant. Once I got over the initial shock,... I was so incredibly happy!!! I was so sure it was a girl. I told EVERYONE it was a girl,.. well that was the beginning of me incorrectly thinking I had this motherhood thing all figured out! I started to get used to the idea of having another male in the house (toilet seats!) and now I am so excited about all the fun things he and I can share. Recently I read Treasure Island and all I could think about was reading the pirate voices with him when he's older!
Kody and I have been so blessed with such a good natured baby. He is so smart and alert,.. we are in BIG trouble!!! Being a mom has changed so much of my perceptions of the world; traffic, the lack of baby changers in restaurants, how yucky poop really is,.. and I know it's only going to get better and better! Here's to all the fellow mommies out there! God give you some much needed strength and patience!


  1. welcome to blogland, you are off to a great start and I love the look of it

  2. Excellent beginning, Kira! I'll be following your stories both in blogland and at church! Love you guys . . . Ann

  3. Kira, as a fellow blogger, you done a great first post. I look forward to reading more!


  4. Really liked reading it. You should write some poems, would love to hear them. Love you guys!


