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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Scary Trip to the Doctor

Kody noticed yesterday that Braxton's lips were blue and his hands and feet were really cold. I knew his hands and feet had been cold but thought he might just have cold extremities. The blue mouth I foolishly chalked up to gogurt. I'm with him all day, I'm his mother. I should have been the one to see this not Kody. That's the thoughts that were swimming in my head all night. I called the doctor to tell them about the symptoms and they told me to bring him in this afternoon.

When we got to the doctor's office, they checked his oxygen to make sure he was getting enough. That turned out to be normal, but the nurse was even surprised at how his feet felt like ice cubes. The doctor checked him out and I told her he's had an upset stomach and has been throwing up a little but not excessively. I thought the antibiotics might be making him queasy. The doctor was stumped, which is never good. She brought in a cardio specialist (which made me worry even more) and even she said he seemed perfectly normal. All in all he's doing ok and I'm just keeping a close eye on him to make sure he doesn't turn smurf-like again.

Sitting in that room and watching two different doctors try to figure out what is going on with your little boy is the worst feeling. I felt so helpless and was mentally kicking myself for not being more paranoid like my husband. So today I'm grateful he's ok, but I'm feeling like the worst mommy ever. :( I guess this feeling happens to every mom, but it still stinks.

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